Friday, December 13, 2013

Pregnant? Record a Video For Your Unborn Child

I have a bad memory but I think we all do.  The brain can only handle so much information at one time.  When all of the events of your current life fight for your attention, it's hard to properly recall your mental state from a few years ago.  This is normal and it is okay, but there is something valuable about saving this, and especially to the ones who weren't present for it.

My first son is now three and a half.  I sometimes go through his videos from two years ago and can't believe this is the same child.  I've become so used to his budding personality that my current memories are all I can think of when I conjure thoughts of him. At the time of the videos, he basically stared everywhere and drooled helplessly.  I've totally forgotten this version of my son, and I knew this would happen.

Before he was born, I sat in front of my computer and started to record a video. I showed him my belly.  I told him how we got to his name and all the horrible alternatives his father had come up with.  I described the phone call of how I broke the news of our first child to his daddy.  I also gave him my message for his future about how ultimately I don't care what he does in life, as long as it makes him happy.  Even writing it just now made me feel a deep thud in my chest, just knowing how quickly the time span of a life may pass.

I stitched this video together and left it on my hard drive, unsure of when I will show it to him.  Nothing could show a more accurate depiction of my emotional and mental state as recording it in the moment, and that is why I think it is so important.  I also hope that one day he will remember me as I am now, as I am sure old age will one day transform me into an entirely different being.  I hope he will always know from the last words that I uttered in the video, the one thing I wish for him in this life is to be happy.  I hope he shows possible future progeny, or that some future relative will find it and know who we were.  I imagine that the data will last as long as humanity.  That someone will watch my videos and would have had the technology available to record in 3D, but will be satisfied with some of the oldest recordings of their family history they were able to search for.

For all of these reasons, turn the camera on and share some love for the future to find.

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